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Amardeep Shakhon

Service, Experience & UX Design

Amardeep Singh Shakhon is the CEO and Founder of Bros&Co, leading the creation of sustainable award-winning experiences and products. His commitment to innovation and excellence in design fosters environments where transformative ideas become reality.

Before founding Bros&Co, Amardeep gained extensive experience in leadership roles at the world’s most progressive companies, spearheading design initiatives and strategy. His career blends strategic insight with creative prowess, driving projects that set new benchmarks in design and earn industry accolades.

An Honorary Fellow of Brunel University, Amardeep has inspired designers through his TED talk. His contributions have earned him multiple awards, including recognition as a top influencer in design, reflecting his significant impact on the industry. Amardeep advocates for systemic design, introducing innovative methodologies across sectors, emphasizing human-centered approaches and sustainable practices. His work addresses complex challenges with holistic solutions.

As a speaker and mentor, Amardeep delivers keynote speeches, workshops, and courses globally, empowering the next generation of creative entrepreneurs. He champions innovative design solutions for a better future.

He believes design is a vehicle for good, benefiting our planet, people, and businesses. Bros&Co strives to create, build, and maintain sustainable products and services that enrich our planet, communities, and industries, aiming for net-zero.

Amardeep Shakhon
