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Interview: Kelly Mackenzie, White Bear Studio on diversity in design

Interview: Kelly Mackenzie, White Bear Studio on diversity in design

24 September 2018

Kelly Mackenzie is the Founder and Director of White Bear Studio, a multi-discipline branding agency with offices in London and Dublin, established in 2014. A firm believer in design and its power to communicate and ability to do...

Video: Designing A Better Life – Craig’s Story

Video: Designing A Better Life – Craig’s Story

24 September 2018

At Design Council we often talk about the need to make life better by design. Working with Margate Films we have explored how design is improving the life of one family in Hull.   Craig’s story is relatively simple. He wants to...

Podcast: Sarah Weir, on how design, diversity and inclusion are linked

Podcast: Sarah Weir, on how design, diversity and inclusion are linked

17 September 2018

What do you think of when you hear diversity and inclusion? What impact does diversity and inclusion have on your life? How are design, diversity and inclusion linked? These are some of the questions which will be answered in...

The Design Economy 2018 – Introducing the case studies

The Design Economy 2018 – Introducing the case studies

14 September 2018

As part of our flagship Design Economy 2018 research, Design Council commissioned BOP Consulting to develop seven case studies to sit alongside the economic analysis and survey, bringing to life how some firms are using design. T...

Does design have a diversity issue?

Does design have a diversity issue?

10 September 2018

For the design economy and the UK more widely to prosper during uncertain times, it is essential that we bring a greater range of people into design careers across more parts of the country. It is imperative to ensure more people...

Sarah Jones-Morris: A landscape architect on a mission to cure our cities through design

Sarah Jones-Morris: A landscape architect on a mission to cure our cities through design

10 September 2018

After years of experience in landscape architecture and urban design, ranging from rural to urban context, feasibility studies to implementation of master plans focusing in particular on public health, Sarah Jones-Morris set up...

Why design is integral to the future of UK exports

Why design is integral to the future of UK exports

24 August 2018

As we leave the European Union, the traditional August silly season for news has now been reduced to a few days if not hours. This week we saw the government publish the first tranche of its no-deal Brexit papers as well as its ex...

Video: Christine’s story – what design can do for people living with arthritis

Video: Christine’s story – what design can do for people living with arthritis

23 August 2018

Living with arthritis isn’t easy and carrying out simple, every day tasks – cooking, bathing, doing laundry and moving around the house – can be a real challenge and often painful and difficult.  Following on from the success of...

Design at the heart of the government's Social Housing Green Paper

Design at the heart of the government's Social Housing Green Paper

16 August 2018

Earlier this week the government published its Social Housing Green Paper, ‘A New Deal for Housing’. The consultation has been met with a mixed response. Organisations such as Shelter and the National Housing Federation have said...

Cany Ash: urban storyteller and architectural entrepreneur

Cany Ash: urban storyteller and architectural entrepreneur

15 August 2018

Whilst walking through her home and studio, Cany explains that her childhood house was filled with thoughtful architecture – and it’s difficult not to notice the impact that this has had on her and her approach to architecture as...

Diversity and business performance – is there a link?

Diversity and business performance – is there a link?

13 August 2018

Why Design Council commissioned the research Diversity and inclusion underpin Design Council’s values, delivery and research. Design is about understanding the needs of diverse populations, individuals and businesses and so there...

Not at the heart of the NPPF but definitely in the mind

Not at the heart of the NPPF but definitely in the mind

7 August 2018

In our response to the draft National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) we made a clear case that to create, radical, lasting reform the policy needed design at its heart. On 24 July, the Ministry for Housing Communities and Local...