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Video: The Design Council Spark Experience – “Got a good idea? Go for it!”

Video: The Design Council Spark Experience – “Got a good idea? Go for it!”

12 October 2017

In our new video we find out from some of our 2017 finalists and mentors why Spark is one of the UK’s leading product innovation programmes. 

  “In an increasing competitive world, a programme like Spark add a...

Shaping healthier built environments to improve health at Healthy City Design 2017

Shaping healthier built environments to improve health at Healthy City Design 2017

10 October 2017

Design Council’s Rachel Toms (now on secondment at NHS England), will be presenting at the Healthy City Design (HCD) 2017 International Congress, from 16-17 October. She will be highlighting research that identifies factors...

Our response to ONS report suggesting UK productivity has fallen

Our response to ONS report suggesting UK productivity has fallen

6 October 2017

Considering the recent statistics published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), suggesting hourly output rates have fallen by 0.1% from April to June, and the Office for Budget Responsibility’s forthcoming analysis also...

Interview: Charlotte Burrows, Design Council Social Innovation Programme Manager

Interview: Charlotte Burrows, Design Council Social Innovation Programme Manager

5 October 2017

The Transform Ageing programme, funded by the Big Lottery Fund, is a pioneering community and design-led programme delivered through a partnership led by the Design Council that aims to improve people’s experience of ageing. It...

#Brightspark Rob Love explains why being brave is the key to design and innovation success

#Brightspark Rob Love explains why being brave is the key to design and innovation success

4 October 2017

Rob Love, founder of, is no novice when it comes to great British design. After winning a millennium award back in 2000 for one of his own innovations and having qualified as a chartered engineer (he doesn’t tell...

Highways England Strategic Design Panel Vision and Progress Report published

Highways England Strategic Design Panel Vision and Progress Report published

4 October 2017

Design Council has been represented on the Highways England Strategic Design Panel since 2015, and we have been working with representatives of other organisations invited by Highways England (HE) to help it establish a strategy...

Stand out from the crowd – what makes a successful Spark application?

Stand out from the crowd – what makes a successful Spark application?

29 September 2017

1. First things first – check that we’re compatible Design Council Spark: The Home Innovation Challenge, is open to anyone over 18 years of age, and from any walk of life. We are on the hunt for bright ideas for independent...

London crowned the best of seven established world cities: according to professional services firm JLL

London crowned the best of seven established world cities: according to professional services firm JLL

28 September 2017

As news makes its way across the city acknowledging London as the most comprehensive city in rankings according to a new index, Design Council reflects on what this means to this great metropolis, the built environment, and design...

Folly to neglect funding for creative degrees

Folly to neglect funding for creative degrees

27 September 2017

This weekend Sarah Weir was a signatory to a letter that appeared in the Sunday Times, highlighting the suggestion by Philip Hammond to cut funding to courses outside of the STEM subjects...

London Design Festival 2017

London Design Festival 2017

27 September 2017

This week was London Design Festival, and with hundreds of unique events and opportunities across the amazing city of London taking place, here we present a small selection of images and comments from some Design Council staff...

Pushing design up the policy agenda

Pushing design up the policy agenda

26 September 2017

Design Council is on the road this Autumn. Starting with the Labour Party Conference in Brighton and on to the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester, we'll be talking to politicians, charities and business about the...

Learning in the dark – is our school curriculum fit for the future?

Learning in the dark – is our school curriculum fit for the future?

26 September 2017

With party conference season well underway, we at Design Council have been considering a topic that is key (we feel) to the future of Britain – education, skills, and the part design plays in the economic future of the our...