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Building Brave New Worlds: the architectural visions of sci-fi cinema

Building Brave New Worlds: the architectural visions of sci-fi cinema

7 October 2014

Overview When Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas said ‘the most important thing about architecture is arriving in new worlds, rather than returning to old ones’, one may wonder if he had the spectacular urban visions of sci-fi cinema...

Our Friends Electric? Robots in cinema and robot design today

Our Friends Electric? Robots in cinema and robot design today

7 October 2014

Overview Whilst technology is an often unremarkable part of our daily lives, robots still seem like the stuff of science fiction. In partnership with the BFI as part of their sci-fi blockbuster season we're taking a look at the...

Hipster-led regeneration - by Wayne Hemingway

Hipster-led regeneration - by Wayne Hemingway

3 October 2014

Careful what you say about hipsters, argues Wayne Hemingway, you just might be following in their footsteps. The word hipster is much maligned. The media has helped turn a sector of young folk who are interested in new things and...

Does British design need a quality mark?

Does British design need a quality mark?

2 October 2014

The Quality by Design white paper has prompted a debate on how we can uphold standards for the benefit of the UK and the design industry. It is important that we protect the reputation that our design industry has built up, but is...

Design Council supports three new digital start-ups from Oxford's Startup Incubator

Design Council supports three new digital start-ups from Oxford's Startup Incubator

30 September 2014

We have started work with three new start-ups from the Startup Incubator at the University of Oxford’s research commercialisation company, Oxford University Innovation. The three start-ups include a big-data analysis interface...

Having the courage to do things differently

Having the courage to do things differently

26 September 2014

Investing in the early years isn’t just about saving money in the long term, it’s about responding to what families really need and want. It’s about moving the old system towards something more networked, agile and relevant. This...

​Design Council and National Centre for Universities and Business agree strategic partnership

​Design Council and National Centre for Universities and Business agree strategic partnership

25 September 2014

The Design Council and NCUB are pleased to announce today they have signed a memorandum of understanding to cement and advance their joint work and shared interest in design as a catalyst for innovation in business, research and...

take 5: Ben Casey

take 5: Ben Casey

25 September 2014

Overview take 5 Design Council is taking take 5 on the road and we're heading north! We're really excited to be bringing our popular talks series to this year's Design Manchester festival. 5 insights, 5 questions, 5 pounds The...

Michael Murdoch founder of The House picks four Ones to Watch

Michael Murdoch founder of The House picks four Ones to Watch

24 September 2014

We asked Michael Murdoch, Founder and Creative Director of  The House, to help us find four new up-and-coming designers to be part of our Ones to Watch 70th anniversary showcase.  Scouting for Ones to Watch  Michael joined us at...

The people behind the Knee High ideas

The people behind the Knee High ideas

23 September 2014

Since October 2013 six teams have been developing their ideas as part of the Knee High Design Challenge. They've captured their journeys on film. These films show six teams of talented, inventive, and voracious people who are...

Applying behavioural science to a Design Challenge

Applying behavioural science to a Design Challenge

22 September 2014

How can we use methods from experimental psychology to design better services?  I have to confess when I joined the Design Council to work on Knee High, a Design Challenge aimed at improving the lives of children under five, I...

Meet the five winners of our Dad Design Challenge

Meet the five winners of our Dad Design Challenge

19 September 2014

We're very excited to introduce the five ideas selected for our Dad Design Challenge, aiming to help more dads become actively engaged in their child's early years.  We very recently launched an open call for ideas for the...