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Toxic high streets

Toxic high streets

9 April 2014

As part of our Active by Design campaign we asked Newcastle University's Tim Townshend to discuss the growing body of evidence that suggests our high streets are becoming bad for our health. Are some shopping streets in poorer...

Knee High Design Challenge: working with the local community

Knee High Design Challenge: working with the local community

8 April 2014

We are now approaching the end of the second stage of the Knee High Design Challenge, and our 11 teams are preparing their presentations and reports. Over the last few months they have been improving elements of their products...

Is there a recipe for designing ‘low-fat’ office buildings?

Is there a recipe for designing ‘low-fat’ office buildings?

4 April 2014

As part of our Active by Design campaign we asked UCL’s Dr Marcella Ucci to talk about the research project they are running that could help make offices healthier places to be. The health benefits of regular physical activity...

Planning ​Minister announces 16 new Built for Life awarded housing schemes

Planning ​Minister announces 16 new Built for Life awarded housing schemes

3 April 2014

Today Planning Minister Nick Boles announced the 16 new housing developments across the UK awarded the Built for Life commendation. A range of commended schemes from urban to rural, large and small is showcased on the newly...

​UK Cabinet Office launches new policy design lab

​UK Cabinet Office launches new policy design lab

2 April 2014

The new Policy Lab was officially launched by the Open Policy Making team in the UK Cabinet Office on 1 April, with Dr Andrea Siodmok as its Head. Andrea brings with her a wealth of experience from former roles as an advisor to...

Five reasons why London should become a National Park

Five reasons why London should become a National Park

2 April 2014

According to National Parks UK, the purpose of a national park is to ‘conserve and enhance natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage, and to promote opportunities for the understanding and enjoyment of the special qualities...

Knee High Design Challenge: video diaries

Knee High Design Challenge: video diaries

2 April 2014

The Knee High Design Challenge is nearing the end of Stage 2 and we wanted to share with you video diaries from the 11 teams. These films feature an overview of each project and how the teams have been developing their ideas in...

All-star judging panel announced for Future Pioneers 2014

All-star judging panel announced for Future Pioneers 2014

1 April 2014

Today we're excited to confirm the all-star panel of designers who will be choosing our Future Pioneers 2014. Future Pioneers discovered at New Designers is our initiative to celebrate and support emerging design talent. On 2...

The Farrell Review of Architecture and the Built Environment

The Farrell Review of Architecture and the Built Environment

31 March 2014

Yesterday saw the publication of Our Future in Place the outcome of Sir Terry Farrell’s review of architecture and the built environment. You can now download the full document from The publication of the...

Our business support clients: where are they now?

Our business support clients: where are they now?

31 March 2014

Everyone loves a success story and the Design Council’s business support team has plenty to choose from.  Just in time for the new business year, we caught up with three of our past clients to find out what they’re up to. Tangle...

Active by Design launches to get the nation moving

Active by Design launches to get the nation moving

26 March 2014

The Design Council has launched a new movement to improve the health of the nation, Active by Design. Active by Design was created in response to the increasing health crisis affecting the UK. The intention is to promote the use...

European Design Innovation Platform launches

European Design Innovation Platform launches

25 March 2014

Today in Brussels the European Commission launched the European Design Innovation Platform (EDIP). This project led by the Design Council aims to increase the use of design for innovation and growth across Europe and...