take 5: Andy Altmann
take 5
Join us here at Design Council for the second of our new series of take 5 talks with designers. These happen on the last Thursday of every other month.
5 insights, 5 questions, 5 pounds
The take 5 format is simple. We invite a designer to share five insights (spending about five minutes on each one). Then we open up to the floor for five questions. And tickets cost just £5 (including a free drink).
Andy Altmann
Having had the pleasure of working with Andy Altmann before (in our pre-Design Council lives), we're delighted that he accepted our invitation to take 5 this March.
Andy Altmann studied graphic design, and founded why not associates with two fellow graduates when they left the Royal College of Art in 1987. His portfolio is astonishingly diverse, from the miniature (stamps) to the massive (Blackpool's Comedy Carpet with artist Gordon Young). But regardless of its scale, all of Andy's work has two key ingredients: some of the best typography around and a cheeky sense of humour!
Come one, come all
This talk is open to everybody, so whether you're a professional designer (whatever your specialty), aspire to be one in the future, or are just interested in enjoying an early evening talk by a designer we admire, do book your ticket now.
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