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Thames Tideway Tunnel: Design Review

Thames Tideway Tunnel: Design Review

25 February 2014

The Thames Tideway Tunnel is a major new sewer, the biggest infrastructure project in London since the Victorians, and urgently needed to protect the River Thames from increasing pollution. The tunnel will tackle the problem of...



6 February 2014

        Design Review led to improvements in the station designs that will benefit Londoners for generations to come.     Sam Richards, head of urban integration, Crossrail     Crossrail, the high frequency...

Battersea Power Station

Battersea Power Station

22 January 2014

        My experience with Cabe Design Review has been a rare, honest, informed, and productive conversation with colleagues that care.     Rafael Viñoly, Rafael Viñoly Architects     Smoke finally stopped...

North West Bicester eco-town

North West Bicester eco-town

20 January 2014

        Design Review challenged the thinking... and led to improvements to the emerging masterplan.     Jenny Barker, Cherwell District Council, Client team       The development of an eco-town in North West...

Alder Hey Children's Hospital

Alder Hey Children's Hospital

20 January 2014

        The design reviews helped the Trust to be very strong in delivering their aspirations at a critical stage.     Jim Chapman, R. James Chapman Architects, Client Advisor       Treating over 270,000...

Fudge Kitchen

Fudge Kitchen

16 January 2014

        We knew how to sell products and we understood the market, but with the help of the Design Council we gained the identity we needed to back our products up.     Sian Holt, Managing Director, Fudge Kitchen ...

Keelham Farm Shop

Keelham Farm Shop

16 January 2014

        ​Before we began working with the Design Council we had not considered the value of design to our business. Now it has become a strategic part of our business.     Victoria Robertshaw, Director, Keelham...

White Logistics

White Logistics

16 January 2014

        Not so long ago I thought design was simply about how something looked, now I see how it can have an effect on every aspect of a business.     Judith Stracey, Chairman, White Logistics     In the nine...

James Heal

James Heal

16 January 2014

        The support we received from Design Council changed the face of our company and provided insight into a far wider range of business issues. Design Council also enabled us to embed a much deeper understanding of the...

Lewisham Council

Lewisham Council

16 January 2014

        Design may seem an upfront cost, but if you engage with it and work with people who do it well you develop lasting skills to take forward into other projects.     Lindsey Grant, Transformation and...

Creating safe places to live through design

Creating safe places to live through design

15 January 2014

The Cabe team at the Design Council is pleased to be presenting this new evidence to help designers and other stakeholders create safe, attractive neighbourhoods. We are clearly aware that crime and fear of crime is a critical...

World First

World First

14 January 2014

        Previously I’d have said design equals logo – not anymore. With the help of the Design Council we assessed every customer touch-point from a strategic design perspective; knowing what you stand for as a business and...