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The green information gap

The green information gap

10 November 2009

There is a major gap in the national information about England’s urban green spaces: nobody knows how many there are, where they are, who owns them or what they are like. This makes it difficult to co-ordinate provision, respond...

Helping community groups to improve public spaces: Research summary

Helping community groups to improve public spaces: Research summary

26 October 2009

Throughout the country, gardens, allotments, play areas and other public spaces are being transformed for the better by groups of local residents. These community groups often contribute hundreds of hours of volunteer time and...

Resident satisfaction with space in the home

Resident satisfaction with space in the home

27 July 2009

England has had minimum space standards for publicly-subsidised housing for many years, but no minimum standards for private housing. Commissioned by CABE, this research addresses space standards in recently-built market and...

Mentoring tomorrow’s design leaders

Mentoring tomorrow’s design leaders

3 July 2009

        ​Mentoring relationships either click or they don’t, but the ones that do can last a lifetime.       Les Wynn, Design Manager Xerox Europe and Nextnet Mentor     From October 2007 to April 2008 the...

Patient Information Mat

Patient Information Mat

30 June 2009

The Design Challenge The Patient Information Mat was developed by RCA's Helen Hamlyn Centre with MultiAdaptor as part of the Design for Patient Dignity Design Challenge. The problem A patient’s time in hospital can be a worrying...

International design research

International design research

13 April 2009

The International Design Scoreboard reports on findings from a two year project to compare design capabilities across nations. East Asian nations which have traditionally competed on price and low labour rates are now increasingly...

No more toxic assets

No more toxic assets

27 March 2009

CABE has been warned to have low expectations about design quality when the housing market finally recovers from the recession. The warnings have come from housebuilders, professionals and public sector alike. There is also a...

New from old

New from old

9 February 2009

Explaining how to realise the potential of your buildings and give them – and your school – a new lease of life. Why do so many people assume that new schools will be superior to refurbished ones? It’s a surprising assumption when...

Hallmarks of a sustainable city

Hallmarks of a sustainable city

14 January 2009

Climate change is one of the world’s greatest and most urgent challenges. But it also offers an opportunity to redesign how we think and organise our lives. In this report Design Council Cabe sets out the practical and policy...

Sustainable Places for Health and Well-being

Sustainable Places for Health and Well-being

9 January 2009

Design Council Cabe investigates how good design makes healthy places. Drawing on examples and research, the report shows how good planning can have a positive impact on public health, how health trusts can cut carbon and costs by...

Good design: the fundamentals

Good design: the fundamentals

8 January 2009

We all use the built environment – buildings, streets, parks and public spaces – every day. If design and management is done well, places can be treasured. If not, they can be alienating and dysfunctional. This essay from the...

Improving Ordinary Places

Improving Ordinary Places

7 January 2009

How can people directly influence the quality of their places they live in? Why aren’t all architects trained in public engagement so that they can respond directly to local needs?  This guide acts as a starting point to help you...