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The After Work Club

29 May 2012

Launched in May 2012, Independence Matters was a Design Challenge run in partnership with Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board) to develop services that promote independence in later life. One of seven inspiring start-ups funded through the challenge, the After Work Club is a social network for men who don’t want to be ‘retired’.





















The problem


During the initial phase of research, the team behind the After Work Club was struck by stories they heard from retired men about how they missed the structure and social network that employment provided. They also heard how retirement is changing, with many people now working part time or undertaking consultancy or portfolio work. The After Work Club was inspired by the opportunity to provide a service that helps older men make the most of retirement.


The Solution






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The After Work Club is an online and offline social network that inspires and connects men in retirement, encouraging them to make the most of this time in their lives. It aims to help develop and sustain health, happiness and social connections in later life. 


The results




There’s a chap across the road who retired before his wife did. He was at a bit of a loose end, so I invited him along to the club, and introduced him to some people. He’s there all the time now, and goes to the gym with a couple of the other guys. He just needed a little push to get going again.



Tom, 63, After Work Club member




Members are inspired by stories on the After Work Club's website from other men about trips, expeditions and ventures they’ve undertaken after retirement. Members make public commitments to their own personal goals and are encouraged to create milestones, groups and events to support them in getting there. After Work Club events bring members together in person to share their experiences and meet one another.

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