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Leading Business by Design: Automotive Sector

Leading Business by Design: Automotive Sector

12 June 2015

In 2013, the Leading Business by Design research project was launched to examine how businesses – including organisations not traditionally associated with design – can benefit from it.




This report highlights four key findings on how the automotive sector can benefit from the use of design:

  • Competitive advantage - Design is one of the most important drivers of innovation
  • Effective collaboration - Good design is the result of effective collaborations and partnerships within and between organisations
  • Skills - Changes in the broader automotive ecosystem increasingly require designers to develop a wider skillset
  • Futureproofing - In the future, design will play a more fundamental role in integrating products and services and enhancing customer experience.

In the report, we highlight eight key recommendations for the automotive sector in how to fully leverage design-led thinking:

  1. Use design strategically
  2. Focus on user experience
  3. Don’t just use design for premium products
  4. Promote cross-functional collaboration
  5. Value different viewpoints
  6. Create clear processes with few decision-makers
  7. Establish partnerships with new suppliers
  8. Provide a broader design education



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