Our response to The Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Committee call for evidence

The Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Committee has launched an inquiry into regional investment and growth in all parts of the UK, beyond areas of heavy investment such as London and the South East.
In 2019, the Committee will be examining what Government support there is available for businesses and how best to attract inward investment to parts of the country with lower productivity. Design Council submitted evidence to the committee and our key recommendations were:
- The UK should develop and reinvigorate proven programmes that support industries wanting to use design for the first time or expand their use of it, like Design Council’s highly successful Designing Demand, which grew sustainable and innovative industries and businesses.
- We need to encourage the design skills of the future workforce by reversing the decline in pupils taking GCSE design, and training more teachers in design and technology.
- There needs to be a cross government approach joining BEIS and MHCLG, that recognises that design is the golden thread creating the places people want to live.
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