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White Logistics

16 January 2014




Not so long ago I thought design was simply about how something looked, now I see how it can have an effect on every aspect of a business.



Judith Stracey, Chairman, White Logistics


In the nine months after White Logistics completed their re-branding project with the Design Council, they generated £500,000 worth of new business opportunities. 



Judith Stracey, the Managing Director of White Logistics, wanted to grow her company. Although initially sceptical about how design could help achieve her business goals, she approached the Design Council with an open mind.

The process

Design Associate Ellis Pitt worked with White Logistics for six months to identify the opportunities vital to achieving their goals. Ellis has over 25 years’ experience providing design advice to a broad range of clients including Paperchase, Lakeland Plastics and Richard Burbidge Ltd. He used the Design Council’s investigative approach to pinpoint the changes White Logistics needed to make to grow the business, identifying two core areas for improvement:

  • The absence of strategic business planning meant White Logistics lacked a focus on long-term goals
  • The brand, which included everything from the signage to the drivers’ behaviour, was inconsistent. It needed improving to better reflect the values of the organization

Ellis helped create a design brief, and introduced White Logistics to carefully selected design agencies. Together they selected design agency The Allotment to carry out a rebrand, alongside a service specialist. Throughout the process Ellis ensured they all worked together to achieve the client's goals. 

The Results






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With a clear brand rolled out across the entire business, White Logistics premium service was now reflected in the look and feel of the organisation.












Judith Stracey said, “Looking back I believe the design investment directly contributed towards over £500,000 worth of new business secured in the initial months after the re-branding.”












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