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Upskilling 1 million designers

We are on a mission to leave a lasting impact from the World Design Congress by equipping designers with the green skills they need to fuel the green transition. 

Design is a 'frontline' green skill, it leads the way in creating products, buildings and places that use fewer resources, reuses them or even grows them, as well as being a ‘hearts and minds’ green skill in the way it makes sustainable living the easy and desirable choice.

There is a critical need to upskill designers:

73 %
of designers think the demand for environmental design is going to grow.

43 %
of designers think they have the skills to meet the demand for environmental design.

46 %
of the UK’s designers believe their education has equipped them to design for planet.

How will we reach 1 million?

Over the next 12 months, we will be convening education and training stakeholders and designers themselves to co-design what these green skills are and what the upskilling programme needs to look like, driving both government and private sector funding.

Design is critical, from the classroom to the C-Suite. The path to 1 million starts in schools.

There has been a 68% decrease in the number of students taking Design & Technology at GCSE level. We want to help change this and so have collaborated with key stakeholders and designers to create the Blueprint for Renewal; our recommendations to government for a crucial reform of the subject.

Read the report.

Embedding design at the heart of a reformed broad, balanced and creative curriculum is critically important for addressing future skills needs and the rapid transition to a resilient green and digital economy."

Lord Jo Johnson of Marylebone, PC