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361 results:

Arda Awais

Arda Awais

…Arda is an award-winning multidisciplinary designer and creative technologist with expertise in User Experience Design.…

Sophia de Sousa

Sophia de Sousa

…Executive at national charity The Glass-House Community Led Design since 2005, Sophia is an impassioned champion of…

Brian Dixon

Brian Dixon

… Ireland. He has worked for leading global art and design institutions, including the Glasgow School of Art…

Teri Okoro

Teri Okoro

… healthcare public engagement for six years. Her design experience spans regeneration, commercial, and…

Harriet Pugh

Harriet Pugh

…Harriet is a design leader helping government councils and charities meet the needs of people and the planet. Harriet…

Tom Gray

Tom Gray

… with over 15 years’ experience in nature-focused design, strategy and advisory work. He acts to deliver…

Jane Aslanidis

Jane Aslanidis

… and investment, underscored by a commitment to design innovation and sustainability. Recognized…

Valerie Owen

… partnerships. Valerie is passionate about good design, holding numerous Ministerial & NED Board roles…

Joseph Shaffery

Joseph Shaffery

…For the last decade, Joseph has been helping designers and design teams come together, grow, and deliver user-centered…

Victoria Lee

Victoria Lee

…Victoria Lee, BArch, MA, MSc, MRICS, FRSA, is an Urban Designer, Chartered Surveyor, and Sustainable Development…