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42 results:

The Double Diamond

The Double Diamond

A universally accepted depiction of the design process.

History of the Double Diamond

History of the Double Diamond

A universally accepted depiction of the design process.

Framework for Innovation

Framework for Innovation

Helping designers and non-designers across the globe tackle some of the most complex social, economic and environmental problems.

Systemic Design Framework

Systemic Design Framework

Developed to help designers working on major complex challenges that involve people across different disciplines and sectors.

The Design Value Framework

The Design Value Framework

…t of the 2021 Design Economy we developed a framework for designers and commissioners…

Design Economy

Design Economy

Discover the economic, social and environmental value of design in the UK.

Head of Knowledge Jessie Johnson

Head of Knowledge Jessie Johnson

… team who developed Design Council’s Framework for Innovation and has applied…

Chief Design Officer Cat Drew

Chief Design Officer Cat Drew

… world’s first Government Data Ethics Framework.  Cat is an expert in…

Hiro Aso

Hiro Aso

… on the ambitious agenda to double the city core. In 2023, he was…