Anouska Anquetil
Anouska is a regenerative design specialist, advocate, and consultant. As design director of Aterre, she pioneers innovation into regenerative well-being interiors, bio-craft, bio-furniture, bio-fabricated living structures, and regenerative urban landscapes. All are created at the intersection between traditional techniques, living systems wisdom, and modern technology. Her MA in Regenerative Design further develops her framework for regenerative residential retrofit.
Anouska's regenerative practice theory addresses internal systems and strategy through a holistic approach to not only the way we design but also the company processes, culture, and values that underpin it. Regenerative practices are inherently restorative and the keystone to truly regenerative design outcomes. A notable designer and design strategist with an established career that spans the commercial and private sectors, previous roles include leading design studios and arts and culture bodies across interiors, architecture, design, and fashion. Anouska brings a wealth of experience in brand strategy, interior design, and design psychology alongside a vision for bigger picture synergies. She is an avid cross-pollinator who curates and hosts talk series, lectures, judges, writes, and speaks enthusiastically about regenerative futures. Advocating to move critical conversations, collaborations, best practices, and innovation forward at pace to accelerate the design industry towards the green transition.