Colin Haylock
Colin is an Architect-Planner with over 40 years of experience spanning the public, private, and educational sectors. He has been a Visiting Professor for Practice at the Bartlett School of Planning since 2016, President of the RTPI in 2012, and founder of its Urban Design Network. Although he has worked across the country, much of his activity has been based in the north, particularly the northeast, where work has focused on striving for creating and delivering quality environments in very challenging markets.
He was a major practice contributor to the work of the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment through regional representation and its Planning Advisory Committee. This character of advocacy and advice activity has continued through expert roles with the Design Council, the High Streets Task Force, and Historic England, working particularly on Design Coding Pathfinders, High Street revival, Building for a Healthy Life assessments, and support to Neighbourhood Plan Groups.
He is extensively engaged in the delivery of CPD for both the RTPI and RIBA and is the author of the RIBA's Good Practice Guide on Making Successful Planning Applications. He was the only non-London based member of Boris Johnson's 16-person London Mayor's Design Advisory Group and an appointed member of the Planning Committee for the Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation for the period 2015-18.