Dr Tayo Adebowale
Tayo is a Sustainability Strategist, with over 35 years of experience.
She is the Director of Cirkadia. Cirkadia’s strapline is: ‘Working towards a sustainable future’. She is a Chartered Environmentalist C.Env), a Chartered Water and Environmental Manager (MCIWEM), a Member of the Institute of Leadership and Management (MInstLM), and has a Doctorate in Water management.
Tayo previously served as a GB Forestry Commissioner; Chair of the GB Forestry Commission Research Strategy and Management Board, a Non-Executive Director of the Countryside Agency (now Natural England); and as the North West Regional Flood and Coastal Committee (RFCC), Environment Agency Lead for Sustainable Economics; Her current roles include: Design Council: Ambassador, Design Expert and High Street Task Force Expert; NW Forestry and Woodlands Advisory Committee Member; Chair of a Federation of Primary Schools (with almost 1,000 students); and Chair of United Utilities Customer Engagement Sub Group.