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Fara Muneer

Architecture & Built EnvironmentDesign Academic, EducatorUrban Design, Landscape Design, Green Infrastructure

Fara is Head of the Centre for Accessible Environments. The role is fundamental in the mission to drive greater accessibility in the built environment to enable everyone to live, work, travel, and be part of a fully inclusive society. She has extensive senior business development experience within the inclusion sector for over 20 years across the public, private, and charity sectors.

In 2020, Fara launched the award-winning Pathways Academy, upskilling disabled people into careers in inclusion and access - over 70% are now working in the built environment sector. In external networks and panels, she is Chair of Network Rail’s Access Panel (BEAP), part of the London Regional Stakeholder Network panel - a panel set up of users and organisations supporting the Disability Unit in the Cabinet Office on inclusive policy developments. She is a specialist expert for the Design Council and Disability Expert for Her Majesty’s Magistrates Courts and Tribunal Service. Fara joined CAE from the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, where she led on inclusion and strategic change.
