James Vaccaro
James Vaccaro is a sustainability strategist applying systems thinking to business model innovation and sustainable finance. As CEO of RePattern, James supports organisations and their stakeholders in collective business model design processes, convening people to form new patterns of relationship that can enable flows of finance for sustainability progress. He advises organisations catalysing regenerative agriculture transition and nature restoration. James also acts as Chief Catalyst of the Climate Safe Lending Network, a global multi-stakeholder collaboration to accelerate climate action in banking. He was previously Director of Strategy for Triodos Bank, Europe’s leading positive impact financial institution. He previously managed the Triodos investment business (corporate finance, venture capital, and infrastructure funds) and held board positions in a range of leading environmental and social businesses.
James is a Senior Associate at the Cambridge Institute for Sustainable Leadership (CISL). He was a founding developer of the UN Principles for Responsible Banking and sits on the advisory panel for GFANZ (the Glasgow Finance Alliance for Net Zero) and the UK’s Transition Plan Taskforce. James is a Senior Fellow of the Finance Innovation Lab, a director of Regen, an advisor for climate start-up accelerator Carbon13, and advisor to the Club of Rome’s finance impact hub.