Jane ni Dhulchaointigh
Jane is an award-winning Inventor and Creative Entrepreneur with 20 years experience as a successful purpose-led business leader. Now focused on the emerging field of Regenerative Entrepreneurship, she supports visionary purpose-led founders and teams to shift from sustainability towards life-centred, regenerative ways of working - whether it be in governance, strategy, internal culture, or storytelling & innovation projects. She draws on her membership of the global Bio-Leadership Project, she’s a Mission-Guardian for the Library of Things in London and a Board Director for Common Knowledge in the West of Ireland.
As a design student at the RCA, she began the invention of Sugru Mouldable Glue, and went on to lead it to grow into a thriving global community of creative repair. On a mission to help repair to be easy and fun for all, it went on to be used in 170 countries around the world, with an estimated 20 million things kept out of landfill by its community. Sugru was listed as one of the top 50 inventions in the world by TIME Magazine in the year it launched, Jane won the London Design Medal for Creative Entrepreneurship in 2014 and in 2018 she was the first Irish Inventor to receive a European Inventor Award from the European Patent Office. Jane lives and works between London and Ireland, she’s an enthusiastic cyclist, gardener, artist, DIYer, mender, walker and camper.