Patsy Perry
Dr. Patsy Perry is a Reader in Fashion Marketing at Manchester Metropolitan University and is the academic lead for international and research activities within Manchester Fashion Institute. She is an experienced educator and researcher in the areas of fashion marketing, supply chains, sustainability, and circularity, with over 15 years' experience in UK higher education and many published outputs. She is often featured in the national and international press and broadcast media for her expertise on fashion sustainability and has been invited to present evidence at an All Party Parliamentary Group on Ethics and Sustainability in Fashion. She has been a panellist at industry events, a keynote speaker at national and international academic conferences, and has written opinion pieces for the media on fashion sustainability. During 2021-22, she was part of the British Council-funded project "Making Matters: China Design Challenge," a multi-disciplinary circular design competition exploring how the principles of circular design could be a catalyst for creativity, collaboration, and regenerative thinking within architecture, design, and fashion practice.