Penelope Tollitt
Penelope is a generalist. She has a collaborative approach to finding solutions to the complex and varied issues of planning, design, sustainability, engagement, and strategy. Her broad experience includes local plans and development briefs, as well as urban regeneration and master planning. She brought commercial realism at Wycombe District Council, cutting public subsidy through offering high-quality paid-for planning application services.
Her roles have included Urban Designer at Bath City, lecturer at the University of the West of England, Head of Policy and Design at Kensington and Chelsea, and Head of Planning and Sustainability at Wycombe District Council. She now runs the consultancy Making Places Together, where she works with clients – public, private, and third sector – who are committed to working constructively, collaboratively, and creatively to achieve their ambitions for quality sustainable development. She is a Visiting Lecturer with the Bartlett UCL on management and leadership in planning. Penelope is Chair of the Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Buckingham, and Milton Keynes (BOBMK) design network, is a Director of Planning Officers Society Enterprises (POSe), and a member of the Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA) Policy Council.