Robin Buckle
An Urban Designer and Chartered Town Planner, Robin has worked in both public and private sectors with over 25 years’ experience of working at a senior level in design development and regeneration. Projects have ranged from the small local scale to the complex and strategic. He has predominantly practiced as an urban designer, working extensively in London for borough councils, the London Development Agency, and more latterly Transport for London (TfL) as Head of Urban Design. Here, he created, led, and managed a multi-disciplinary team working on high-profile and strategic projects across the capital. In particular, he was TfL client design lead for the development and delivery of projects such as the East London Cable Car, the Northern Line Extension stations, and Euston Circus/Kings Cross forecourt, combining his expertise in public realm design and sustainable transport/active travel. He was also responsible for commissioning and steering the production of guidance such as ‘SuDS in London: a design guide’ and ‘Small Change Big Impact’ a toolkit for local communities to make positive changes to their streets and spaces.
After leaving TfL, he set up his own consultancy, working as principal design advisor for a new town on masterplans and major town centre schemes with the Design Council on major project briefs, and as a member of the High Streets Task Force working with cities to help resolve issues with their town centres.
He is a member of several Design Review Panels, including Islington, Lambeth, and Design South-East, and is also Deputy Chair of the Essex Quality Review Panel.