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Santini Basra

Speculative Design, Futures DesignStrategic Design, Design InnovationSystemic Design, Policy Design

Santini is a designer who loves research, strategy, and long-term thinking. He spends most of his time running Andthen, a specialist design futures team. Here he works with organizations in the (often chaotic) early stages of creating new things (everything from creating new products to creating new jobs, policies, and ways of working) to help them shape their ideas. Recently, he’s used design futures methods to support the mental health charity Mind to reimagine its governance structures, to support Defra to develop and grow a horizon scanning capability, to help the Scottish Government rescope its School Age Childcare programme, and to help the V&A Dundee engage the design sector in Scotland and articulate their preferred future. Beyond his work at Andthen, he also sometimes teaches at the Glasgow School of Art’s School of Innovation and Technology, is a board member of WASPS, Scotland’s largest provider of studio space to artists and creatives, and co-hosts the Speculative Futures Central Scotland meetup.

Santini Basra


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