Simeon Shtebunaev
Simeon Shtebunaev is an interdisciplinary researcher in the built environment at Social Life. Simeon holds a bachelor’s in architecture and a master’s in architecture and town and regional planning from the University of Sheffield. They have practiced architecture working for BDP and as an independent architectural designer. Their PhD project at Birmingham City University explores how young people engage in the planning of future 'smart' cities.
Simeon has taught architecture, planning, and urban design at Birmingham City University, Leeds Beckett, and Oxford Brookes. Simeon has written and published widely for general design and academic press on topics of architecture and design. Simeon is a founder of the youth and community engagement consultancy Urban Imaginarium, specializing in creative and arts-led methodologies for built environment participation. They were a principal investigator on the AHRC-funded project “Are you game for climate action?” developing the board game Climania with young people, focusing on the role of the built environment in climate change. This project won the RTPI Community Engagement Research Award in 2023. Simeon was selected as the RIBAJ Rising Star 2021 and RTPI Young Planner of the Year 2022 and is also a trustee of the RTPI from 2024.